TETC #27: Don't They Know It's Christmas with Patrick MacFarlane

Ace and Dean-O are joined by Patrick MacFarlane (attorney, Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, and host of Vital Dissent) to talk about one of the most inspiring moments in modern history, the Christmas Day Armistice, and how it ties together with Patrick’s documentary Why Can’t Johnny Kill? The gang also talks about libertarianism, being anti-war, and trying to find balance and be productive. Its… a big episode. Enjoy!


Why Can’t Johnny Kill? 11th Hour Conscientious Objection and Moral Injury.

What Really Happened During The Christmas Truce?

The Christmas Truce | What really happened in the trenches in 1914?


Patrick: @patmacfarlane_

Vital Dissent

The Libertarian Institute


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O: @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*