TETC #24: Easy, Breezy, Yeezy

Ace and Dean-O talk about the Twitter Files before breaking down Kanye’s appearance on The Alex Jones Show. After listening to the whole interview, front to back, there are a ton of things going on here that the clips circulating the internet won’t tell you. We will.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O: @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #22: Making America Great Again Again with MAGAUnit111

Ace and Dean-O are joined by MAGAUnit111, one of the foremost voices of the spiritual movement called MAGA. He enlightens us on the positions held by this movement, the reasons why upward of 94% of people vote for Donald Trump, how elections get stolen, and who really runs the media and the banks.



Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #21: What Even Are The End Times?

Ace and Dean-O are joined by Hunter (immanentanarchy) to discuss his pieces on The Interregnum and Liminality. These pieces (and those that are sure to follow) explore a model for analyzing the current socio-cultural shift that inspired the name of this show.

It’s big brain time.

Read Hunter’s work:
The Theory of The Interregnum
A Toolbox of Concepts: Liminality


Hunter: @immanentanarchy

Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #20: Centralized Brainworms

Ace and Dean-O talk about Fetterman’s Monster, the draft (and why supporting it is wrong in every way), the concept of collective duties, why the left hates the concept of decentralization, thinking in networks, God Forbid, the strange marriage of Evangelical Christianity and Conservatism, and The First Rainbow Coalition.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #18: The Problem of Infinite Glizzy

Ace and Dean-O talk about the 2.75 trillion dollar Alex Jones… thing, invitees to the white house, weird social dynamics and how politicians abuse them, and… at some point, things go off the rails and the problem of other minds, philosophical zombies, dualism, consciousness, and other related questions end up being show topics. Somehow.



Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #17: Hoppe on Poppe with Necrospaia

Ace and Dean-O are joined by Necrospaia to talk about many, many things including the common threads among anarchism’s detractors, Hoppe and libertarianism, what the NAP even is, the post-libertarians, and much more!

The imgur rundown of the Rose Fiasco can be found here.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

Necrospaia’s Twitter

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #16: Is John Bolton Dead Yet? (Sadly, No)

Ace and Dean-O talk executive powers and stealth executive orders, an Iran update, an economics professor who is very comfortable with the counter-narrative, journalists controlling the flow of information about themselves, and John Bolton being an absolute scumbag who needs to take immediate steps to remove himself from the realm of the living.

The CIA document Ace references is mentioned here.
PPD-28 can be found here.
The executive order gutting PPD-28 can be found here.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #15: A "Let's Not Destroy the Human Race in Nuclear Hellfire" Kind of Guy

Ace and Dean-O talk about “Where’s Jackie” and the following spin, sanctions in Iran and Russia, the threat of nuclear hellfire, jailhouse conditions, Ross Ulbricht, and some of the means and methods of the surveillance state.

The Episode of Jeremiah Talks that Ace appeared on can be found here.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #13: *Elton John Music Intensifies*

Ace and Dean-O talk about the GTA and KF hacks, the US government’s possible plans to introduce a digital currency, media coverage of conspiracy theory, QAnon, and the effect of inventing your own enemies.

The White House reports referenced in this episode can be found here.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #12: Twenty-One Years On

This episode is all about 9/11. Not so much the event itself, but the consequences of the American government’s actions before and after the event. We talk about domestic and foreign policy decisions made in the wake of the attacks, and how they have all, from top to bottom, been disastrous. We discuss the loss of any moral credibility the country once may have had, and we touch a bit on the path ahead and what to look out for.

Books we mentioned follow.
By Scott Horton:
Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan
Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism
Hotter Than The Sun: Time to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
By Bob Woodward:
Bush at War
By Craig Whitlock:
The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #10: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

▮▮▮ and ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ Sam Hyde and ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ Anne Heche conspiracy, ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ Probable Cause ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮, and ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮.

The Heche video can be found here. It is unsettling!


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #9: Do Not Pass Go

Ace and Dean-O talk a little about the Mar-a-Lago raid, the shooting of six bystanders by Denver police, and why anticarceralism is a near necessity in a functional system of justice.
Quick warning: The intro is a little low. Don’t turn up your headphones too much.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #8: Being Left Alone with Kym Robinson

Ace and Dean-O are joined by Libertarian Institute writer Kym Robinson, who joins the show for a conversation on Covid, culture, online voyeurism, the evolution of the liberty movement generally, and much, much more. Seriously. Much more.

Kym’s Twitter: @KymRobinson80

Kym’s piece, “Medusian Liberty,” can be found here.

Read Kym’s work at the Libertarian Institute and halfcaged.com.

Note: Neither Kym nor Ace could hear Dean during the first 3/4 show, but the audio recording could. It’s an awkward listen for that reason, but worth it for Kym’s thoughts.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #7: War Propaganda Never Changes.

Ace and Dean-O, on the 77th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, discuss the (largely) untold story of the Truman administration’s tragic decision to incinerate and poison hundreds of thousands of civilians. Other topics include the pernicious effects of propaganda and new information surrounding the killing of Breonna Taylor.

The late Justin Raimondo’s piece on the bombings can be found here.

The 1946 Strategic Bombing Survey, linked in the above referenced piece and commissioned by the Truman administration, can be accessed directly here.

The most important excerpt from the document reads:

“…certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.”


Ace: @Ace_Archist
Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)
Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #6: The Sixth Episode in a Blue Suit

Ace and Dean-O (two guys, one with a beard and wearing a red tank top, one with long hair and… presumably wearing a Fluttershy costume?) talk about the revived Assault Weapons Ban, how politicians crowbar horrifying crap into bills, how the media affects perception, blind inclusivity, recent ideological shifts among libertarians, and much, much more!


Ace: @Ace_Archist
Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)
Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #5: The Mostly Peaceful Protests Continue

Ace and Dean-O talk about Sri Lanka, the violent history of American politics, EverydayBastiat’s take on national divorce, the nature of human cooperation, the hilarious mistakes of the continued Pied Piper strategy, some small updates on the Uvalde police, and more.

The Sri Lanka timeline can be found here.
Everyday Bastiat’s thread can be found here.


Ace: @Ace_Archist
Dean-O(‘s friend): @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)
Ace’s Substack

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*