Taxation Is Theft. Does that bother you? Do you believe that, but you're not sure why? This is the show for you. For our 30th episode, we dive into the concept and... just kinda... float there for a bit?
$1 is an anonymous donation.
$5 gets your credit read as a Producer!
$10 gets your credit read as an Executive Producer and guarantees your note will be read!
$20 gets you an Exec Producership and a pack of 3 AIR and DOF themed stickers!
And don't forget to send your donation notes and emails to! Tell us who you are, so we know if you donated. Exec Producers are guaranteed a read! Include "Dean-O-Files" or "DOF" in the subject line so we see it!!! All producer credits are real and we will stand behind them.
Dean-O: @deanofiles
AIRadio: @altnetradio